Unit 11 Lesson 41 Jim's Family Tree

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Unit 11 Lesson 41 Jim's Family Tree

使学生掌握本课的四会单词(如:father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, family 等)


Come and see my family!

关于 of 的用法:a picture of my family.

the name of her cat.

教学重点:人物关系及 of 用法。




A.Where is the pencil (r...) ?

It's on / in / behind / under the...

B.(出示小鸟图片)What picture is this?

It's a picture of a bird.

C.同样方法出示另外几张图片,让学生复习 of 的用法:

It's a picture of a cat(car,hill...).


打开幻灯,出示 Jim 一家人的照片,教师自问自答:

What picture is it?

It's a picture of Jim's family.

重复此问答,并出示生词卡片,教 'family'


Unit 11 Come and meet the family!

重复这一句子,并教 'come' 和 'meet'

4.看幻灯:Look at the picture, What's that?

It's a picture of Jim's family.

Whl's this man?

(He's Mr 's Jim's father.)

出示生词卡片,教 'father'

5.用同样方法,教生词'mother','son','daughter', 'brother', 'sister'

6.提问:How old is Kate? Do you know?

(Sorry, I don't know.)

Kate has (有) a cat, Is the cat in the picture?


7.看幻灯,出示另一张图片( Jim 的家谱)



A.用 father,mother 等词填空。(略)


9.唱一首歌 'The spelling Song'


A.How old is Kate?

B.What is the name of her cat?

C.How do you spell it?

11.打开书,朗读 Part 1

12.做 Wb. Exx ( 4 )

13.Homesork :复习本课生词及句型

附板书: Unit 11 Come and meet the family!

Lesson 41 Tue. May. 13

a picture of Jim's family

the name of her cat



father son brother

mother daughter sister are

(1) Mr Green is Jim's ______.

(2) Kate is Jim's ______.

(3) Jim is Mr Green's ______.

(4) Jim is Kate's ______.

(5) Mr Green is Kate's ______.

(6) Kate is Mr Green's ______.

(7) Mrs Green is Kate's ______.

(8) Jim and Kate ______ brother and sister.


(1) It's a picture of my family.

(2) This is Mr. Green.

(3) He's Jim's father.

(4) This girl is Kate.

(5) Mr. and Mrs. Green are teachers.

(6) Kate's cat is in the picture.


该课为初中第一册11单元41课,通过 Jim's Family Tree进行名词所有格的教学,同时本课出现有关人称的11个新单词,如 father、mother 等。该课运用了计算机、幻灯、图片等组织教学,起到了多种媒体优化组合教学的效果。课堂教学中学生单词学习兴趣倍增,课文中人物关系表达清晰,有效地进行了名词所有格的教学。在巩固练习阶段,通过计算机编出了八个填空题和6个句型转换题,学生通过上机操作,提高了单词的巩固率。本课的计算机软件水平尚可提高,最好能做到随机出题,自动评判,并在软件中加入表扬与鼓励的内容,使软件水平进一步提高。